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Summer Letter from the Editor

We are reaching the end of another year. For seniors, this means it is time to become independent. We will take our next steps and find our place in the world. There is so much promise and excitement at this point in our lives. There is also some fear. It can be scary growing up, but we can take comfort knowing that we are all in this together. I promise that will be my only High School Musical reference.


For the younger classmen, the end of the year is a break from classes. It is a time for relaxation and excitement for the years to come. For all of us, the memories we made at Glendale will be reminders of the work we have done, the fun we have had, and the things we have learned. This point in our lives is a stepping stone to the amazing work we will do in the future and the ways our generation will change the world.


We can look back on this year and the people who have contributed to Glendale (pg. 8). We can look to the future for faculty and students (pg. 17 and pg. 23). We can welcome the new members of the Flock (pg. 19). We can look at the progress we have made as a community (pg. 27 and pg. 34).


The end of the year is a celebration. We can celebrate new sports (pg. 42) and athletes (pg. 38). We can celebrate the kindness we have been shown and we have shown to others (pg. 63). All of these celebrations remind us of the fun we have had and prepare us for what is to come. With all of the upcoming changes, it is important to remember all of the friends we have made. We should make it a point to stay in touch and support each other past high school (pg. 52).


Now it is time to get cheesy. Ghandi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Each one of us has potential. Whether you are going to college, starting work, taking a gap year or staying in high school, you will make your mark on the world. It might be a small dot or a giant brush stroke. No matter the case, I am excited to see who all of us become and the work we do.


Until next time, 

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