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   For every issue, all of the staff members add their articles to our team drive on Google Drive. From there I can edit every story. I always do my editing with suggestions and comments, so that the staff can see how I fixed things. This will help them to make fewer mistakes. I also make sure that I provide positive feedback as well. I want to be encouraging and helpful.

   After this first round of edits, I edit each article from its design by printing off the PDFs and editing on paper. Then I return the edits to my staff members to fix on the designs. 

I always do a final look-through of the articles on InDesign, print off copies, edit them and double-check the PDFs we send to the printer. 

   I do the same process for my own articles, and I have my adviser and peers look over my work too. 

   In the final stages of the magazine, everyone gets a printed copy of the magazine to make corrections on. We pass out the corrections for each other and get to work. 



   This screenshot shows my edits (in purple and light gray) on Google Drive for an article in the fall 2018 issue.

Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at 6.47.24 PM_edi

   Here is the final copy that we published in the magazine. 

15.16 Straw_Voting copy.jpg


   After my first round of copy edits, I sit down with my peers individually to help them improve their articles. This is an example of me involved in student media by working with Natalie Ross, Quill's design editor, to edit her article about student artists at Glendale. 

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